Patrick's Postings

Thursday, February 16, 2006

The Serengeti and the Crater

Back in Arusha, Tanzania, after a few days in Serengeti National Park and the Ngorongoro Crater. What an experience it was. It was as close to the Discovery Channel as I could ever imagine being, and may have been more impressive than even seeing the mountain gorillas. In the Serengeti, there were thousands upon thousands of wildebeast, hartebeast, gazelles, zebras and buffalo. And since they were there, the big cats were there in large numbers as well. We spotted at least a dozen lions and 3 leopards. After we sighted an elephant, the Big 5 was complete in just under a week. And there was a leopard sighting that took an unexpected turn for the better. As we were trying to make out the leopard in the tree, we heard a young wildebeast bleating for its mother nearby. To say that the leopard took an interest is an understatement. In moments, the placid, sleepy cat in the tree was down in the grass, stalking the wildebeast. After a few careful steps, the chase was on. It was a quick chase, and the leopard made the kill in a hurry. Afterwards, the leopard picked up the wildebeast and carried him up a nearby tree. All of this happened within 200 feet of our safari truck, with most of the stalking, chase and kill happening within 50 feet. I took some amazing photos, and will hopefully post them soon. I even (somewhat guiltily) took a before picture of the wildebeast when it became apparent what was going on. Everyone was shaking for at least a half hour after the incident.

The following day we went into the Crater and spotted 2 cheetahs sunning themselves. Another great sighting. The Crater as a whole was gorgeous and a great experience, but after the leopard incident of the day before it was very ordinary.

Next stop will be the sandy beaches of Zanzibar for 4 or 5 days. This camping thing is going to be real tough...


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